Dedicated to our customers and contributed to society in Indonesia
In accordance Vision Mission, STATOMER committed to maintain quality and continually develop based on the principle of kaizen. Ultimately, the goal of the company is to serve the community, through the availability of products or services for the welfare of society, without eroding the ecological and environmental life support systems of society. STATOMER has got National certificated , because has implemented the Quality Management System SNI ISO 9001 2015 as a proof of STATOMER commitment continually to maintain customer satisfaction and business organization can run on an ongoing basis.
STATOMER has received an award of Panitia Pembina Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) from Of the provincial administration Banten.
In term of Environment, STATOMER has got Blue Proper which means the Company has undertaken the required environmental management efforts in accordance with applicable rules or regulations.
In term of Safety, in an effort of control OHS risk in the workplace, STATOMER has implemented Occupational Safety Management System, As a proof of success in applying OHS Management System, STATOMER has got the Certificate and Gold flag.
In addition, STATOMER has also received “ Zero Accidence” award since March 17th, 2009 until now.